Arts and Academic Publishing serves the academic and literary communities with downloadable video courses, scientific papers and books.
Arts and Academic Publishing serves the academic and literary communities with downloadable video courses, scientific papers and books.
Arts and Academic Publishing primarily serves the academic and literary communities. It provides downloadable video courses, scientific papers, e-books and print books for these communities. The video focus is on college-level science.
Open access video programming presently covers topics in the field of environmental science, including Earth science, ecosystem ecology, population biology and environmental issues such as pollution, sustainability and land use. Programming follows the national AP Environmental Science curriculum, although programs extend this curriculum to provide materials relevant to college environmental courses. Examples of curriculum extensions are mathematical derivations of exponential and logistic population growth models, review of population dispersion models, application of Jolly-Seber population estimation and discussion of population viability analysis.
Books are published as e-books and print books. Our focus is on academic and literary topics. Any academic discipline is acceptable, but only serious literary works are offered. Titles are added as they complete editorial review.
The open access scientific journal, Bird Conservation Contributions, is available here. The journal focuses on issues in basic and applied science as they relate to bird conservation. All titles are available for download. Titles are added as they complete editorial review.
Authors of literary and academic titles are encouraged to submit book-length manuscripts for consideration. Authors may also submit scientific papers to our Bird Conservation Contributions scientific journal. The focus of the journal is on basic and applied science as it relate to bird conservation. Upon editorial review and acceptance, authors must submit a copy-edited final draft for layout and publication. Book authors receive royalties for all copies of their books sold.
Our video focus will expand other courses in the biological sciences, including specialty upper level college courses. Video courses on Principles of Ecology, Ornithology and Endangered Species Conservation are in preparation. In the area of books, we will add titles to our inventory as they complete the editorial review process.
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